Monday, August 20, 2007

Logo Design Trends

Logo design can be both invigorating and infuriating for clients and agencies. Logos have the power to stir debate, create emotional connections and increase brand value. However, by its very nature, logo design is a subjective process.

While graphic designers take great pride in their ability to interpret and capture the essence of an organization through colors, fonts, icons and effects; clients, consumers, family and friends all have their opinions too. Sometimes designers are spot-on in their interpretation, and other times clients have something else in mind.

But, in the end, logos are the visual representation of a brand and an essential component of every organization.

Check out the 2007 logo design trends report for some excellent insight on what's hot in logo design, including: dos helix, rubber bands, radiance, eco smart, lit, pseudo crest, urban vinyl, hubs, descending dots, flora, half, overlap, 3D, opticaLine and ribbons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting point of view. I concur that logo designs are a form of identification for a company or business. Very important as the clients need to be able to associate with the brand.

By the way, oes anyone has any recommendations on online sites offering logo design services? I need one which provides affordable and quality logo designs. I've heard about sites like LogoLoft, LogoDesignCreation, MyCustomogo, etc. Are they any good? Thanks in advance.